Skyline’s SPTV productions are continuing to take on a unique approach towards their content heading into the new school year.
With social media being more prominent in how kids get their news, SPTV’s older format of having weekly videos displayed during FLEX time was resulting in less engagement.
“It’s (SPTV) changed a lot over the past, it kind of started as a broadcast a week to more of a format where there’s a much bigger online presence.” said the co-director Reider Aageson
As the older format became less efficient for everyone involved, the team of nearly 30 students decided that in order to get more students to interact with their content, some segments needed to be repurposed, scrapped, or completely transferred over to their official Instagram account.
However, the full length videos that used to be posted weekly were now being posted monthly with the help of all of SPTV.
Although all of the crew do work towards a singular goal of the month-long production, the process behind it is not as simple as the team makes it seem. Within the team lies many different jobs and skills that must be mastered in order to create a clean video to be posted.
“Some people just do it all, there’s not really one job. People will make their own bits and put it on Instagram and the different groups (within SPTV) will kind of get that work done.” said Co-Director of SPTV Reider Aageson.
This structure not only allows friends in SPTV to be able to cooperate together, but it also allows all the work to be split evenly.
Having social media also lets the filmmakers and content producers see what segments are able to be placed in the productions carefully.
“Because we aren’t forced to put certain things in each episode we have a lot more freedom in what we can air just sort of on Instagram.” said the co-director Reider Aageson.
This freedom that comes with using both social media and the month-long productions to highlight almost all of Skyline has its upsides, but more often than not finding the information can be challenging.
“You would think that since this is a huge school it would be easier to find information, it actually makes it harder in a way to narrow it down.” said SPTV’s advisor Stacy Erfle.
While most information is sought out by SPTV members, the advisor for SPTV, Stacy Erfle, also encourages students who are interested in the productions to get involved.
“But we are always looking for more story ideas, which is what we aim for when we use the SPTV social media. If students have story ideas, we encourage them to shoot us a DM.” – Said SPTV’s advisor Stacy Erfle.
To get more involved with Skyline SPTV and submit ideas to them, you can interact or directly message @sptv.spartans on Instagram.