Peach fuzz, viva magenta, very peri, ultimate gray, classic blue and living coral all sound like you could find them in a crayon box. In reality these are the colors that were chosen for the color of year.
Pantone analyzes color and makes color swatches. Every year Pantone creates a color that they think a color will represent the year, including within fashion but also just among society, the color they pick isn’t just what they think looks good it is based on science and research.
“It’s (color of the year) going to be seen in a lot of different things and well its seen fashion that’s not the only thing it seen in its seen in like paint colors and home decor. you’ll see it in different elements throughout fashion throughout a lot of different industries as well” said Lutz our fashion design teacher at Skyline.
Though peach fuzz is 2024’s color of the year we wont see its true effects on society until a few seasons later.
“Its a slow adoption of it, the big retail stores you’ll see elements of it in next seasons garments, not an immediate shift” said Lutz.
Big retail fashion stores take inspiration from the big fashion shows, like the colors they use and the trends they see.
The true science that Pantone goes into is they pick a color that what they think is going trending based on their years of research, but they also take another approach to their research of what the next year emotional will feel and find a color to reflect that.
Pantone describes Peach Fuzz as “a warm and cozy shade highlighting our desires for togetherness with other or for enjoying a moment of stillness and the feeling of sanctuary this creates” stated off their website.
Pantone goes into the detail of each of the colors on their website and they try and give a certain mindset or feeling with their colors. But does these colors really affect your mood?
The American Health society showed studies on how color can affect you. They were broader on the color choice and states that bright colors can help with your energy and happiness and how’s cool colors can be linked to soothing and calming effects.
Maybe Peach Fuzz is not the mindset you want but keep in mind how colors can influence you. You can use the color to positively affect you like painting your bedroom a bright color can make you more positive mood.