Why are so many people getting sick these days? As the cold weather sets in, there has been a spike in sick students at Skyline. Student Menh Amer states, “The cold weather has definitely made me sick more often.”
There are many causes of this phenomenon. The most obvious is the drop in temperature in winter. Dr. Winston D. Rajendram states “as the temperature starts to drop, we have more viruses in the environment.” This is because even slightly cooler temperatures weaken the immune system, letting viruses survive and spread faster. A temperature change also forces the body to adapt, making it weaker.
Winter also tends to have drier air because colder air can’t retain moisture as well. This is true even Washington with all our rain. Dry air can lead to the mucus membrane in the nose and mouth drying out, further impairing the body from stopping viruses from entering.

In addition, the cold weather forces people inside. This hastens the spreading of germs, as people stay near each other, touching the same surfaces. School is an example of a tightly packed place, especially during the passing period.
To prevent the spread of germs and sickness, make sure to wear warm clothing, bring an umbrella or waterproof clothes to avoid getting rained on and getting even more chilled, and open the window once in a while to let the air out. Thinking back to 2020 and Covid, wearing masks is not a bad idea to avoid getting affected by germs in class or on the bus. Don’t forget to wash hands frequently and resist touching your face. Let’s stay healthy!
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