Dear Freshmen,
The course selection process is upon us! Hopefully you are looking forward to this step and not dreading it (it’s ok if you’re dreading it a little…I’ve been there). I don’t have to select classes as a senior, so I will help you with yours instead! Let’s break this down by subject:
Humanities: If you are in the Honors block right now and have a B or above, you should be great in Honors 10! If you are in Honors and feel like you are struggling, dropping down to on-level might be a good choice for you. This won’t limit your choices; you can still do IB as a junior and senior if you want. I know people who did on-level in 10th grade and were very successful in IB Block. If you are in on-level, and want a little more, I encourage you to take Honors 10 next year, you’ve got this!
Math: There are not a lot of choices here, so keep on the path you’re on! If you feel like you need a little extra help, applied math classes could be the boost you need. Fact: math is hard for a lot of us.
Science: Most of you will have the option to take either chemistry or physics next year. There is no right choice, take what interests YOU. Don’t take both! That’s a bit of a science overload for now. The good news is, you still have years of science ahead of you.
PE/Health: If you are in a place to finish up your PE/health credits this year, good for you! If not, think seriously about getting two done this year, regardless. It will feel like a weight lifted, and you’ll have more time for electives later if you check this off your requirements list now.
Languages: Keep strong with your language class, even if you’ve “met all the requirements”. It will be a huge benefit to yourself to continue strengthening your language skills. Maybe even consider taking on another language like ASL.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is: you’ve got this!! Remember to challenge yourself, but don’t overwhelm yourself with classes you don’t have to take yet. Everything will work out, it did for me and all other 500+ seniors about to graduate!!
Best of luck,