Skyline Hosts First Talent Show in 2 Years

Skyline Hosts First Talent Show in 2 Years

Rahma Kedir, Journalist

Fueled by Skyline spirit and an eager student body with a desire to share their skills, Skyline successfully hosted its first talent show since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. With beautiful voices and greatly skilled instrumental players, students took on an eager audience Tuesday night, and the annual Skyline Unplugged talent show commenced as the lights dimmed. 

Spartans from all four grades have prepared for this remarkable night for over 8 weeks. After much preparation, the night had arrived, and Spartan families, students, and community members gathered late Tuesday night in support of fellow Spartan students. 

Skyline ASB set up and organized this year’s event. Aashna Patil, a senior at Skyline, got to see the fruit of her fellow classmates’ hard work and planning for this year’s talent show come to life, once again. 

“I think, as a member of ASB, it’s really cool to finally be able to see it  [Unplugged] happen again after so long, and students finally get a chance to express themselves”, stated Patil. “They couldn’t do that before because of the pandemic and all, but now that we are in person again, it’s so exciting to see it [Unplugged] come to life again”, Patil stated with excitement in her eyes. 

Amelia Bassler and Benjamin Bourdeaux, both seniors at Skyline, have been looking forward to this year’s talent show for months. 

“I remember it happening a few years ago and thought it’d be cool to check it out tonight”, Bourdeaux stated late Tuesday night. “And I’m glad I did… it was a fun way for my friends and me to support other students, even if we may not know them”, Bourdeaux said. 

“So many students here are honestly really talented and I think it’s really cool that we, as a school, are providing a time and space for them to show and share that with us” Amelia stated. 

Proud parents and families filmed and captured moments of their loved ones as they took the stage, and the captivated audience watched the talent that filled the room, in awe.  

“I didn’t really know what to expect and I’d only heard about the talent show once”, Cole Stevens stated as the intermission began. “And now that we’re seeing all these amazing performances I’m honestly impressed and I’m enjoying the night very much”, Stevens stated with an enthusiastic smile. 

But the night’s excitement was far from over. As the audience conversed during the short break, the energetic bunch was quieted down as the show continued. The second half of skilled spartans took on the captivated audience once again. 

As the show ended, the engaged audience erupted into cheers in celebration of the skilled student body. Much of the audience stayed after the show with many rushing to their fellow spartan students in cheerfulness and joy.