After the Golden Globes Plummeting Reviews, What Will Happen to the Grammys?

Golden Globes 2021: Amy Poehler (Right) & Tina Fey (Left)

Sarah Maginnis, Author

The Golden Globes awards ceremony has hit an all-time low, with viewers and ratings plummeting by 60% in the year 2021. Not only was the comedy awkward with hosts Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, but the entire performance was riddled with technical difficulties that created a really choppy flow. Many people are looking forward to the Grammys which are to take place on March 14 but are now worried if the ceremony will undergo the same fate.


There were so many technical issues that occured during this year’s Golden Globes. One was when Daniel Kaluuya won the award for best supporting actor for his role in “Judas and the Black Messiah”. As Kaluuya tried to deliver his speech, his sound was cut out and the audience could not hear him. The camera immediately cut back to one of the hostess’ and Kaluuya later returned for a do-over. 


“I remember that exact moment,” said Kate Selbig, a yearly viewer. “It took me a few moments to realize what was happening and I started cringing. I felt so bad for Daniel Kaluuya but I’m really glad that they were able to bring him back to finish his speech.”


After analyzing Nielsen data, Globes ratings seemed to have dropped so much that the year 2021 is now considered to have the smallest audience since NBC acquired the broadcast rights all the way back in the 1990s. Last year, 18.3 million people were reported to have watched the awards ceremony while this year only 6.9 million, showing an insane drop of viewers. 


The 2021 Golden Globes have at least beat the Emmy Awards that took place in September 2020; however, those numbers were an all-time low as well. The ultimate truth is that people simply have no desire to watch these kinds of award ceremonies anymore, especially when most movie theaters have been closed and new films have had to stop productions due to Covid-19. New streaming services have also rendered much of film distribution useless, as people can now simply watch new releases from the comfort of their homes. 




With the Grammys awards ceremony happening just this past week on March 14, 2021, we were able to see if producers could overcome the challenges of a six-week delay along with Covid-19. Fortunately, the broadcast went incredibly well with most of the credit going to executive producer Ben Winston, who was adamant that everything ran smoothly. 


“The Grammys were amazing!” said Megha Pingili, another fan. “I loved all the performances and I thought the producers executed the ceremony really well considering the circumstances.”


All issues that occurred during the Golden Globes were addressed and fixed during the Grammys which ultimately only led to one mishap regarding the piano microphone during one of the performances. Other than this, the ceremony was a wonderful showcase of all the top artists and celebrities that make up our modern pop culture today.